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A blaspheming wife…


I came across this verse and became quite concerned as I thought about it:

Titus 2:3-5
The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becomes holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

What penalty do women that disobey their husband pay for this blasphemy?

Is this blasphemy one of the primary causes of the high divorce rate among “Christians”?

Are we seeing the penalty in the church community where teen sexual activity, premarital sex, and marital infidelity are actually higher than in the heathen community?

Why isn’t the church teaching married women the importance of verses like these? It is important not to blaspheme the Word of God right?

How does feminism play into this; is it a major contributor or just a side note?

This verse raised considerable curiosity in me in that I have a number of friends that have ended up divorced, and as I think about it, it seems very likely that disobedience by their wives may have played a very large part in causing the problems that developed in their marriages. Not that anyone in a divorce is without fault, it just seems that a majority of problems might not occur if wives heeded this verse.
I know Debi Pearl in her book "Created to Be His Help Meet" talks in depth about this verse and specifically, that the word of God not be blasphemed. I think she makes some good assessments but not just about wives being obedient to their own husbands. Her point is that all kinds of evils come about because of a wife not fulfilling each of those duties listed in Titus 2 which therefore brings shame to God's name. Divorce is a good example in that God does not get glory in divorce and if anything, people can say, "See, God can't help Christians stay married either" or whatever negative thing one could think of.

We women have a lot of responsibility on our shoulders (scary thought) and are responsible for a lot of evils when we don't obey God's Word. However, notice that in this section, it is a specific command to the older women to teach the younger women these things. Unfortunately, many of us younger women were not taught these things and are therefore learning along the way and making a ton of mistakes. That being the case, I'd have to answer a loud YES that feminism plays a huge part in wives not being obedient to our husbands because feminism in this culture is what taught us all the wrong things (i.e. this is a partnership; I'm not here for him, he's here for me; I don't have to put up with this; I have rights too, etc.) It has been a hard process of renewing my mind (still going through it) to understand God's role for me as a wife versus what this culture tells me.

Feminism is indeed one of the ways in which people commit blasphemy.

Yet also patriarchal fundamentalism, or otherwise known as non-christian authoritarianism, by men is also a dangerous and abusive element.

And of course, the passivity of men, Christian and non-christian, in general causes all kinds of problems.

What we need is Evangelical Patriarchs, i.e. Christian Heads, who receive godly discipleship and then pass that along to the family members who extend this out to others that they can disciple.

So, feminism is indeed a contributor but only one of several factors leading to destroyed families.

The disobedient wife is a thorn in the flesh of the husband. Once a woman decides not to obey her husband, she has indeed declared that she cannot be submissive to him. Lack of submission is equal to challenging the authority of the man. I agree with you that this may be a likely cause of all the evil taking place in the Christian world because once the home does not reflect the wisdom of God, then the children will not be encouraged to uphold the wisdom of God.
I also believe that feminism is a great factor in this disobedience. I have identified three things that are destroying the lives of Christians: Individualism, Modernism and Feminism. These three must be put in check if a Christian family is to excel in displaying God's wisdom in their home.
1Ti 6:1 Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honour, that the name of God and [his] doctrine be not blasphemed.
Tts 2:5 [To be] discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
we have chosen to be servants of The Almighty and the bride of His son.
there are two kingdoms. we vote between them with each decision that we make, each action that we take.
it starts with the head of the family. am i, as the leader of the family, leading with truth and righteousness toward the correct kingdom? if not it will be all but impossible for my wife/wives to walk in truth and righteousness.
that said, it is still far too easy for a wife to be tempted toward being obediant to the wrong kingdoms rules. are we not tempted ourselves,guys, toward disobeying our Lord?
the punishment for voting against our Lord's kingdom is that we get to live in the other kindom and reap its fruit.

nature abhors a vacuum and feminism is just the gap filler
Yet also patriarchal fundamentalism, or otherwise known as non-christian authoritarianism, by men is also a dangerous and abusive element.
too true, every road has two ditches, one on each side.
the enemy would either have us as too harsh or too soft

but " patriarchal fundamentalism" is known as non-christian authoritarianism?
help me out here, to me a fundamentalist would be one who believes in the fundamentals of something. has it a sinister meaning nowadays? or is concept of patriarchy bad?
maybe we are using differing definitions for the words?
"non-christian authoritarianism" seems pretty self-explanatory, although it seems redundant
Scarecrow said:
obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

We as Christians are in the feminine role to Christ, so I think when we are not obedient to Christ the word of God is also blasphemed.
These verses are directed at "aged women" in other words those that have been married for a while. But I do see the parallel you bring up, and I had not thought of that, but it is true as well.