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1st Wives...YOU WILL loose your husbands


Real Person
The following is written after much thought and prayer. It will happen to every 1st wife to some degree and must be prepared for by you, the 1st wife. Now, let me explain what this post is about.

You will loose your husbands, to a degree, in some, if not all, of the following ways:

As your husband has come into the knowledge of PM, he will have learned things about marriage that he may have read time and time again, but it did not sink into his head until the Lord, in what ever manor or fashion, revealed PM to him. He will now have a desire to study more of Gods word to learn more about what his TRUE duties are to you, his wife, and what his TRUE roll is as the husband and head of the family. As he grows in his knowledge of what those duties and rolls are, his attitude will shift. It may shift a lot or just a little, but shift it will. He will have a desire to spend more time with the Lord seeking HIS guidance in decisions that he makes for the family and speaks less to you about those things. He may start asserting more "authority" in his decision making, be more involved in the day to day decisions of the home and finances and "putting his foot down" more on other things. As he grows in his knowledge of his roll and duties, he should also be learning what YOUR roll and duties are as his wife. There will come a point in time that he should / will start instructing you in what that roll is and those duties are, as well as, letting you know that he is the head of the family and does not answer to you for his actions or decisions. I wish to direct you to the following other post on that subject:
Brother John Whitten, on Feb. 8th, 2011, under " Problems and Solutions" started a post titled " Better Blueprints Make Better Structures". I suggest that you 1st wives read it along with the following post I have made before. Under "Testimonies" on March 20th, 2009 I started a post titled " What the Lord has shown me" and again on Aug. 28, 2010 I started another post titled " Things God can show you while cutting grass"....................So you see, 1st wives will loose their husbands to a deeper relationship with the Lord, thus having less influence on their husbands and loosing out on their wrongly supposed authority over their husbands.

In her post titled "Attitude is Everything" under "Ladies Only", Sweetlissa wrote a great post of which I have taken this part and placed here. She writes:
"I believe once the door to polygyny is opened it won't close, so...

1. if you embrace the possibilities of what poly can do for you, it can be a wonderful thing
2. if you are bitter and angry, you may control your hubby to the point where he never gets a second wife but at what cost?
3. if he never has a second wife because you are not ready for it, is he secretly fantasizing about it? Or is he resenting you because you are stopping him from what he believes is his right and possibly calling?
4. is it possible that some men may secretly marry another woman and by denying him this right, you may be driving a wedge between you.

These are not accusations, by the way. They are really questions to ask yourself."

I will address statements 2 thru 4. Yes, they are questions and good questions at that, that 1st wives should ask themselves on a daily basis, but I also assert that they can be accusations as well and are the means by which a 1st wife will loose her husband. Let me explain. I do admit and agree 100% that PM is hard ( though I am not in a PM as of yet )especially on the 1st wives. They ( along with all of us ) have had drilled into their (our) minds all these years that marriage is 1 man and 1 woman for 1 life time and that 3 people in a relationship is a crowd. That Prince Charming is out there and he and he alone will save her. That she will be "THE" one and only one that this "Knight in Shining Armour" will save, not realizing that God said this "Knight" could rescue others if he so chooses to do so and that he had to in some cases. We have all had the lies and half-truths fed into our minds that it becomes a total " mind blowing" experience when we come to know the TRUTH of Gods word. So YES 1st wives, it is your attitude that can drive your husband away. If you are bitter or mad about either his coming to the knowledge of PM or his desire to add a sisterwife to your family, YOUR attitude can bring about changes in your husband that you may not like or desire. By showing your bitterness or anger over this issue and if your husband is trying to work out in his own spirit those things he feels the Lord is leading him to do, your attitude can cause him to refrain from additional study of Gods word and cause him to question his own calling to PM. Over time, this will cause a bitterness within him toward you and your attitude. He may do the things "YOU" desire and ask ( demand) in order to keep peace in his home and as a way of trying to show you he loves you, but over time, his constant effort in trying to appease you and to make you feel all loved as you felt when you first got married will drive a wedge between the two of you that may never be repaired. If you decide to do things different or do anything else that interferes with his time with the future sisterwife, here again, disappointment in you and bitterness over what you have done, regardless if your reasons were good or bad, will drive a wedge in your relationship. He will still love you and honor his obligations as Gods word mandates that he do, but he will not love you as before nor enjoy doing his duties. Thus you have lost your husband!

If you are always making statements about her doing this or that and YOU will not stand for it or that you will do such-n-such in return......this too hurts your husband and makes it harder for him to do that which he feels led to do. .......................I wish to add this here.......1st wives.....Do you honestly believe that your husband is only seeking a second wife because he no longer loves you? Do you honestly think that he is seeking a second wife to just have "relations" with? Do you honestly think this is all fun and games for your husband?.....Well DO YOU?...............For a few this may be the case......But as for me and almost every man on this board IT IS NOT!!! and I would be willing to say the same goes for those already living in a PM. This IS NOT fun and games for us either. We have as many if not more fears and struggles to deal with as you the 1st wives. On top of all that we do, we try and follow what and where GOD is leading us; to listen to HIS commands; to dig deep into HIS word; to understand what our duty is, we also have to deal with you and the future sisterwife ( plus any children that may be involved )..............................Do you understand that your husband is not out to replace you despite what you may think? Do you understand that your husband is seeking to follow the Lord and HIS teachings; to provide not only for you, but someone else as Gods word allows him to do? Do you understand that your husband is seeking your help and support in his effort to follow the Lords leading? Do you understand that he needs words of encouragement and prayers lifted up from you in order to not only be a better husband to you, but to be the godly man, leader and husband to your future sisterwife that she needs as well? Do you understand that all of your "complaining", griping, fussing, demands, actions...all of it effects your relationship with your husband....that all of that is and will cause you to lose your husband because he is trying to remove himself from all of that. The your attitude will and can drive him to having a marriage with the sisterwife and you not be aware of it or it may even drive him to the point that he becomes a "dictator" in his own home....something that even he detest, but has become in order to try and put you in your proper place as his helpmate and not his ruler or "boss". Do you understand that everything that he sees as being negative, even if not meant to be, will push him further way and not closer to you? Do you understand that any and all negative words about or toward your future sisterwife may lead him to not be open with you about things they have done, even when he wishes to do so, because of all the negative comments made? Do you understand that you will do more for yourself by giving us encouragement and suggestions in our attempt to bring a sisterwife into the family rather than giving us grief all the time about her or what we may do with / for her?

Yes ladies, I WILL BE THE FIRST TO ADMIT, THAT WE AS MEN HAVE HAD AND ALWAYS WILL HAVE A HARD TIME TRYING TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU AS OUR WIVES,but, Do you realize that we are to share that what the Lord tells use to share and not all that you demand or desire?.......Do you realize that you are to HELP us in our quest to do what the Lord has shown us to do and to NOT HINDER that calling? Do you understand that most men, myself included, are striving to follow the Lords leading in having a PM with a future sisterwife, not because we want to, BUT because the Lord has shown us a need in a fellow Christian sister and we are instructed to meet that need?

I know ladies that some of your husbands brought the idea of PM to you in a manner that just turned your stomach or put your dander up.......I know that this is what Chaplains Rose said about my approach to her and I agreed with that for a long time......until I set and thought about it........Did it ever occur to her as well as you ladies, that the manner your husbands brought PM to you was the manner that they were suppose to bring it?....Just some food for thought.

So you see my dear 1st wives.....It is how you approach your husband, how he perceives that approach, your attitude and actions that can and will drive a wedge between you and your husband, thus causing you to lose that husband that you once knew. It can cause you to lose your husband completely if you are not careful.

I bring this post from my own thoughts and discussions with the Lord, as well as other men that I know and do not bring it as a / the position of the BF Board nor any other husbands from this message board. They ( the BF Board / other husbands ) may or may not agree with any or all of this post and that is their right. I know this post will cause some heat to come my way but what else is new. I have always shared what the Lord has led me to share, so if this post "gets under your skin " or " gets you hot around the collar ", then maybe you are the one that needed to read it.

Let me say this as well.......That I bring this out of CHRISTIAN LOVE and CONCERN for ALL of our wives here ( 1st or otherwise ) as a means of providing you something to think about and or for further discussion with thy husband.
Your message speaks loud and clear Chaplain, thanks. It's sad though. I think husbands and wives should stop and pray "Lord bless this mess of needless stress"... you're speaking about the kind of stress that doesn't have to be. It's mainly caused by the fears of women, many times unfounded as they have no lack of love coming to them.

1 Peter 3:5-7
They submitted themselves to their own husbands, like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her lord. You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear.
The Bible addresses the issue of fear in women as being opposed to what is right. This is not an insignificant point. It's a very real problem. We would all do well to understand it, accept it, and work at overcoming it.
Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.
If you approach your wives respectfully, that is all that is required of you. So if the approach lacked respect somehow - and speaking truth that hurts does not mean that it lacks respect - then voicing that may possibly be in order. The questions that might ought to be asked are... Have you lacked anything? Have you lacked love? Have you lacked respect?

Women often speak out of hurt, throwing that hurt in various directions which may not even be relevant. The point is mainly to throw it away from oneself. Lack of love doesn't occur overnight. He didn't love you ten minutes ago, and suddenly stopped for all time. He didn't respect you before the 'approach' and then suddenly has no respect for you anymore. The issues are not love and respect. You are hurting with this 'thing' thrown at you, perhaps 'without warning'. Your hurt does not translate into his lack. Only in your book... the great manual of women.

I like the point that a wife will lose her husband to the LORD... really an excellent point! Only good can come of that! Enough good to go around.
In reality, the husband we have today is not the same husband that we met. At least we should hope not. It is my hope that my husband will be forever growing and learning and becoming the man of God that he is meant to be. In that way, we will always lose the man we fell in love with. And likewise they are losing the woman they first loved. We should always be growing in the Word and striving to become more Christlike.

I have seen numerous posts about 1st wives either divorcing or being divorced. It seems to me that if a man has been led into Biblical Marriage and his 1st wife divorces him or fights against it to the point that he divorces her that she might be an unbeliever. Just like men, women can fall victim to jealousy, pride, selfishness, etc...causing them to resist the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Chaplain, thank you for this post. I feel I hear the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking through your words. This is a very important and thoughtful post.

Beta and SweetLissa, thank you for your observations, hearing this from a womans perspective is very encouraging.
i wish that it was not necessary for chaplain to say what he said, it is a downer.
but sadly, it probably is needed.
I think this post has a very important message to it. It applies to all marriages. All need to love the Lord with all our mind, soul and spirit. He needs to be our first love. Luk 14:26 "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." We, men, need to obey him and be responsible to Him directly. And just like Issac at the alter, I am confident, God will give back our wives to us and we can have a very bless marriage.
great post, chaplain - thanks

if women free their men, they'll get love in return
if women claim their men, they'll only create a man that wants to be free

however, i believe for a woman to be able to do this she must be a certain kind of woman ... a woman that doesn't "PRIMARILY" get her worth or her value from belonging to her man

if her man or her marriage "DEFINES" her, and is the "SOURCE" of her identity and well being, then it creates a burden for this man to carry (that his wife's entire well being is now dependant on him)

that man will view his woman as never happy, never content, never satisfied b/c he simply will NEVER BE ABLE TO DO ENOUGH to make her happy ... working out of this paradigm he'll end up feeling bad about himself for being such a lousy husband AND he'll end up wanting to avoid his wife

however, if a woman brings HER OWN SEPARATE SELF to the marriage (which she truly is as she lives BEFORE the Lord), versus DEFINING AND FINDING HERSELF FROM THE MARRIAGE, then not only will she be rid of the fears, jealousies and pain that come from dependance, but she'll be able to truly HELP her husband AND GIVE TO HIM not always BE NEEDING something from him AND WANTING TO TAKE FROM HIM

in turn, this man will be BLESSED by such a woman, a strong woman, a woman who realizes her TRUE self, her true identity does not come from some man, but COMES FROM HER FATHER IN HEAVEN who Loves her, who created her, who gives her peace that passes understanding, who provides for her EVERY need (God meets this woman's emotional needs), and who SAVES her for all eternity

additionally, this man will NATURALLY want to be with this woman and want to give to this woman, he'll want companionship with her, he will want to talk with her, he will want to LOVE her b/c THIS KIND OF WOMAN IS ATTRACTIVE BEYOND MEASURE

i want the freedom that comes with loving my wife BECAUSE she's happy, i don't want the un-carryable burden of loving my wife TO MAKE her happy

PM is a refiner's fire for men in many, many ways ... i know

And as I'm turning into the leader I've always supposed to have been i'm beginning to realize PM is also a refiner's fire for wives in many, many different ways

i pray God's continued mercies, grace, and blessing on ALL of us that continue to live accoridng His ways
Nice post Chaplain!

tedjohnson said:
however, if a woman brings HER OWN SEPARATE SELF to the marriage (which she truly is as she lives BEFORE the Lord), versus DEFINING AND FINDING HERSELF FROM THE MARRIAGE, then not only will she be rid of the fears, jealousies and pain that come from dependance, but she'll be able to truly HELP her husband AND GIVE TO HIM not always BE NEEDING something from him AND WANTING TO TAKE FROM HIM

in turn, this man will be BLESSED by such a woman, a strong woman, a woman who realizes her TRUE self, her true identity does not come from some man, but COMES FROM HER FATHER IN HEAVEN who Loves her, who created her, who gives her peace that passes understanding, who provides for her EVERY need (God meets this woman's emotional needs), and who SAVES her for all eternity

additionally, this man will NATURALLY want to be with this woman and want to give to this woman, he'll want companionship with her, he will want to talk with her, he will want to LOVE her b/c THIS KIND OF WOMAN IS ATTRACTIVE BEYOND MEASURE

Amen Ted! Once we, as women, know who we are, why we were created and demonstrate it in our lives, no man or woman can ever take that away from us, no matter what appears to be thrown our way. May all women on this site receive their nourishment, worth and LOVE from the Source of all! Amen! Amen Amen & Amen!
I am somewhat new to the idea of PM. I study His word and think it is bible fact/truth. Chaplain, I enjoyed reading your post. Makes a powerful statement and revealing a bible fact. Correct me my brothers if I am wrong, but God has never permitted something He deemed immoral! I will follow this site on a regular basis and pray I am able to glean from you more bible facts. I really do want to follow Him and hear Him clearly on this subject. Thanks again Chaplain. Easy read and a help to me.
I think if you vowed to your wife that you would be exclusive, you need to wait patiently until she decides plural marriage is acceptable to her. You vowed. All your vows are before the LORD. Keep them. 70 some odd years on this Earth are not a long time compared with an eternity. Show some patience and self control.
Hugh McBryde said:
I think if you vowed to your wife that you would be exclusive, you need to wait patiently until she decides plural marriage is acceptable to her. You vowed. All your vows are before the LORD. Keep them. 70 some odd years on this Earth are not a long time compared with an eternity. Show some patience and self control.

Thank you.
You're welcome. Scripturally, there isn't a reason to forsake a vow, simply because you took it without complete knowledge.
It has taken me quite some time to even have desire to post any thoughts that I have on this post written by the Chaplain, who just happens to by my husband and the man God has blessed me with. There are so many thoughts and ideas in my head at this time that it is hard to know where to start.

The post that The Chaplain wrote is very well written and points out so many ways that we as First Wives can lose our special relationship with our husbands and it seems the harder we as women try to get back that special relationship it is slow in coming. I know I have found myself right in the middle of striving to get back to that special relationship that I want and need with my husband. Is is easy to read the post that he posted when so many examples point at me and my shortcomings? OF course the answer is NO! You may ask did The Chaplain write that especially for me ? I can honestly say that in my heart I know that the answer is no and that he wrote what God put on his heart and if a lot of the ideas hit me hard then that is God speaking through him to me and any other wives who need to hear Him. God had been working on me and my attitude for a long while before The Chaplain even posted this topic. At first I really didn't see myself as having those attitudes and being demanding but as of a week ago I know that I did have the attitudes and made demands that I should not have had made, even thought I did not realize I was making demands. I hope you read that I typed "did" instead of still do have the some of the attitudes that were in that post. I do not post much but there are a few on this site who know me and know that I can be quite rebellious, and be unsubmissive and that I do not always listen well. Those are some of the attitudes that I have to turn over to God so I can be the woman of God that He wants me to be and to be the wife and helpmate that my husband desires and so desperately needs. You may ask how can someone turn around so fast? Sometimes things happen that stop you in your tracks or sometimes words are said in grief or anger that are true and when you hear them you are stunned and you think and ask yourself, "Am I really like that" and God answers and says, "Yes, My Child , That is how you have acted so many times and that is what I have been trying to tell you in your quiet time" I can either swallow my pride and admit my failings and my wrong attitudes or I can say.. "Whatever!" and go about my daily business and life and not change a single thing about who I am. I want and desire to change and am striving to do what I need to do to become the woman I am supposed to be.
I support my husband fully and wholly in the matter of Plural Marriage and will strive to be the wife he needs and the helpmate that he desires to have and also to be the sisterwife that my best friend will need when she joins our family.
I am firm believer in the old saying, " What doesn't break you makes you stronger." God has to be the one that doesn't let something break me because I am weak when I attempt to do something that I don't allow God to lead and direct me.
It has also been written in several posts that a man should keep his vow to his first wife, without regard as to what God has shown him about taking another wife and that he has to wait until his first wife decides that plural marriage is for her. How is that allowing the man in question to be leader in his home if he has to wait for his wife's permission to do anything that God tells him to do. Is the wife the one who God has put in charge of making all decisions and that her husband has to be her helpmate? I don't see that anywhere in the God's Word BUT what I do see is that God is head of man and man is head of his wife or his wives and not the wife or wives head over God and her or their husband. Does that go to say that the husband should not discuss with his wife about the desire that God has placed in his heart and in his very soul and that he should not keep reassuring her that he still loves her and that she is the wife of his youth and he will always love her? He should discuss with his wife what God has put on his heart but it is not her permission or her approval that he needs to go on.. It is God's approval and permission that he needs.. He should take into consideration his wife's feelings and help her to work through those feelings she has but she also needs to turn to God to help her to accept the desire that God himself put on her husbands heart. One thing he has to do is pray for his wife and pray for himself and pray for the woman than God has lead him too and continue to bathe all in prayer. He needs to be the man he needs to be and the wife need to be the woman that she needs to be for only then can God bless them to where their cup runneth over because both of them are following God's will on adding another wife into the picture.
I will no go into detail on what the second or third or more wives have to do because I am a first wife and I have my duties that are mine and mine alone and I will have other duties when "J" My best friends joins our family as another wife of my husband. If I have stepped on anyone's toes the only thing I can say is take it up with God because I am an instrument of God in this post and maybe just maybe God is trying to tell you something so you too can be the woman of God you are destined to be.

I will close now but I want to let my husband know that I love him with all of my heart and that I am following him where God leads him. God has blessed me with a Godly and wonderful man who strives to be the man of God that he needs to be and to be the husband that i need and the husband that "J" will need. I send prayers up for you to my husband for you to be strong and to not lose heart and follow God and be the man who hears, "Well done my good and faithful servant."
Chaplains Rose
Chaplains Rose said:
It has also been written in several posts that a man should keep his vow to his first wife, without regard as to what God has shown him about taking another wife and that he has to wait until his first wife decides that plural marriage is for her."
God never shows a man that he should betray or break a vow. I agree that the wife of that man should accept and see what he sees, particularly since what he sees is the truth. The problem comes with not being able to force another to think what they will not think or accept what they will not accept.

It just doesn't work.

It still works out that if my wife does not see her way clear to accept the truth, my vow stands. Commanding my wife to forsake her vow is a dishonest betrayal. Would we accept of God his command to release him from his Covenants with us? If so can we countenance our asking our wives to forsake the vow we gave willingly to her?

Again I repeat that this is a short life in comparison with eternity. To keep a vow, no matter how seemingly difficult, is our duty before God. Nothing can change that.
So what if the first wife says yes, then no, then yes, then no, then yes and then no again. What about the sisterwife that has been adopted and rejected several times. Does his vow to her mean less than his vow to the first wife? What about her word? Is it meaningless?

All my remarks are in the context of a knowing or unknowing vow with respect to the truth of plural marriage. Such vows should be kept. If she says yes, she has released her husband from that vow. The "no" in that case, comes too late and is of no effect. The husband can do as he wishes as if he had never vowed in the first place.
Hugh McBryde said:
God never shows a man that he should betray or break a vow.
It still works out that if my wife does not see her way clear to accept the truth, my vow stands. Commanding my wife to forsake her vow is a dishonest betrayal. Would we accept of God his command to release him from his Covenants with us? If so can we countenance our asking our wives to forsake the vow we gave willingly to her?
I agree completely. And here is why:
Joshua 9:3-6 NKJV But when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and Ai, (4) they worked craftily, and went and pretended to be ambassadors. And they took old sacks on their donkeys, old wineskins torn and mended, (5) old and patched sandals on their feet, and old garments on themselves; and all the bread of their provision was dry and moldy. (6) And they went to Joshua, to the camp at Gilgal, and said to him and to the men of Israel, "We have come from a far country; now therefore, make a covenant with us."
The Elders of Israel, including Joshua, were deceived by the Gibeonites and entered into a treaty (covenant) with them based on that deception. And God required them to keep their treaty with Gibeon, even to the point of going to their rescue when the Gibeonites were attacked by a coalition of five kings, as recorded in Joshua chapter 10.

In the case of those of us who entered into marriage while still believing the false doctrine that says no more than one wife is allowed, we were not deceived by our first wives, but by the Church. (And, in fact, our first wives were also deceived.) However, we did enter into covenants with our respective first wives with the expectation by all involved that marriage is to be monogamous. And, in fact, language to that effect is included in the wedding "vows" (actually a covenant) that most couples exchange on their wedding day.

If a first wife refuses to release her husband from that covenant (replacing it with one that is Scripturally sound) even after he discusses it with her and shows that the covenant was entered into with un-Scriptural expectations by both of them, then she is probably being disobedient to the Lord. But that still does not give we husbands license to unilaterally disregard that covenant, any more than the Israelites were allowed to disregard their treaty with the Gibeonites.
This "vows" issue is a bit off topic, and I will start another thread for it. Please join me on it, and let's discuss it, lest this topic be lost under this one.

May I point out that upon discovering that they had been deceived by the Gibeonites, they kept a part of the covenant, but also modified it somewhat. The Gibeonites became perpetual slaves or servants throughout their generations, if memory serves.

All this "Gotta keep your vows" business sounds nice. And it is true to a point. However, I propose that it has limitations. Come to the new thread and let's explore it.