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1 Timothy 5:16


New Member
Okay, I read something that really hit me hard... as in nuclear.

I was looking up a passage about marrying your virgin. I found it in 1 Timothy 5. So as I generally do, I looked at the interlinear version and the Greek. Then, my world fell apart.

Okay, last retreat we were talking about verses that were purposely mistranslated. Things that were hidden, changed, or added/omitted. So when I read this verse, then looked at the greek... KJV - "If any man or woman that believeth have widows, let them relieve them, and let not the church be charged; that it may relieve them that are widows indeed."

NIV - "If any woman who is a believer has widows in her care, she should continue to help them and not let the church be burdened with them, so that the church can help those widows who are really in need."

There are major issues with both translations. MAJOR issues. For one, "Woman," is not in either of them.
The word translated as "Woman," is tis. This is translated as woman -0- times. It's always someone or man.
Then we get to the next word. Pistos. This is translated as believer - but is more closely "Faithful," referring to business. A man who has proven himself faithful in business and family life. Strongs says, "of persons who show themselves faithful in the transaction of business, the execution of commands, or the discharge of official duties." There is a variation of this word, Pistas, which is a woman who is faithful - and I'll grant that some older manuscripts use this instead of pistos, but the oldest ones use pistos.
"Have," is the word, "echo," and it means to be closely joined to a thing... and it gives the idea of being around someone close to you, someone intimate not in the sexual way but intimate in that you know them well.
Widows is widows but is translated as "Dependent Widows." This is not supported in the Greek.
"She must assist," is now BLB translates, "eparkeō." Even though it doesn't mean that at all. It means to be strong enough to ward off or drive away [danger] to someone's advantage. It's a way to say be strong enough to provide assistance and protect someone else.
The next word is, "autos," which means to deal with something personally.

Re-translated, this would and SHOULD read, "If any man has proven himself faithful [reliable] and knows widows personally, he should defend them and care for them himself and not let the church get involved so they can help those who really need it."

Now, here's the kicker.

Read the whole passage with the new translation for 16.

As for younger widows, do not put them on such a list. For when their sensual desires overcome their dedication to Christ, they want to marry thus they bring judgment on themselves, because they have broken their first pledge. Besides, they get into the habit of being idle and going about from house to house. And not only do they become idlers, but also busybodies who talk nonsense, saying things they ought not to. So I counsel younger widows to marry, to have children, to manage their homes and to give the enemy no opportunity for slander. Some have in fact already turned away to follow Satan. If any man has proven himself faithful [reliable] and knows widows personally, he should care for them himself and not burden the church so they can help those who really need it."

This is a FAR cry from the way it was made to look! Gentlemen, this is in line with Kinsman Redeemer and other passages that even Jesus dealt with... and in line with polygyny. It is saying in it's entirety that we should marry widows, and not let them burden the church, and not let them get up to mischief on their own.

Now, I wrote John Dunham of the Translation Technology Operations at Biblica.com formerly the 'International Bible Society', the publishers of the NIV, about this. This is his response.

Thanks, Matthew, for your gracious and substantive reply. [personal note omitted]

There are passages with a history of interpretation—supported by excellent translation practices—that might miss a point because they didn’t pick up on discourse cues. I appreciate the position you have laid out, but I’m not sure I am compelled by the case. Language is so tricky. I’ve been through Greek twice and Hebrew once in Bible college and seminary, and I now appreciate that I would need to spend years soaking in the original texts to really pick up the associations, allusions, and idioms. You have done well to comb through to find these for specific words in various texts. That is more diligence than I have had. I have found when I come up with a theory on how to make sense of some topic, and I ask a scholar about it, they will gently give me the six reasons why it doesn’t work. And I didn’t even know these other dynamics were at play.

This is not to discourage you from study and promoting justice for issues you care about. It’s just to gently caution that the case might not be as strong as you make it out to be. On the other hand, I could be wrong as well, and we are left with the call to join in God’s big story of redemption, building the kingdom of King Jesus and living in love and grace and truth.

I would caution against overreliance on etymologies or root forms. When Paul uses a form of pistos, he is almost always talking specifically about keeping God’s commands, trusting that the way of Jesus is the best/right way to live, and living according to the way of Jesus. NT lexicons give glosses like “faithful, reliable, trustworthy, stable.” Even though secular culture used pistos to refer to official duties, Paul does not often use it that way when referring to believers. You cannot pull those nuances into NT usage, since Paul was honing the meaning to communicate certain things to his audience.

It feels like tis piste is the crux of the issue. I’ll offer that a little more than half of the earliest, most reliable manuscripts use piste, the feminine form of pistos. Gender in language can be so confusing—there is nothing inherently female about la mesa in Spanish. Similarly in Greek, grammatical gender applies certain forms to words, and these forms create classes of words. However, when it comes to adjectives in Greek, they can actually refer to human gender. When these adjectives appear by themselves, they take on the force of a noun, and you can supply “man, woman, people” to make the text more readable in English. A masculine word like pistos can mean “a faithful man.” It can also mean “a faithful person” when speaking of a general topic where men and women are considered faithful. Pistoi, the masculine plural form, means “faithful people,” unless there is something in the context that specifies it is a group composed exclusively of men. Piste, the word in question, is always “a faithful woman.” Pistai, the feminine plural, is always “the faithful women.” Keep in mind, this only applies when a form of the adjective pistos (or any adjective) stands alone. If it describes a noun, then it becomes “a faithful ______.” This part about tis is very important. The reason it never appears to translate as “some woman” is because it never appears with a feminine noun or adjective. Greek writers have all the flexibility they need to specify “some person” when using tis + masculine. Remember from my last epistle, tis is both masculine and feminine in form! Tis + masculine can be “some man” or “some person.” Tis + feminine can only mean “some woman” (unless the context is clear that it is a young girl or something like that). Tis is an indefinite pronoun. It signals that we’re not talking about “the person” or even “a person.” It’s “any person who” or “some person.” And it is no help in sorting out masculine or feminine, because the form is both masculine and feminine.

As I read the context before verse 16, it’s all about widows. Verse 1 talks about older men, but they don’t govern the following verses. Paul is talking about groups of ages and genders. Then he turns specifically to types of widows and how Timothy and the church are supposed to care for them. Verse 17 finally turns to masculine words (which could include male and female elders, perhaps), and this is about compensation—double honor most likely refers to double pay, and Paul says this is especially about those who preach and teach. Context/discourse analysis here does not point to a faithful man being the subject of verse 16, but it doesn’t necessarily make it a woman.

The real determinant of your argument is if you look at all the manuscript evidence and can in good conscience say, “Paul’s original letter used the form pistos rather than piste.” If you can say that, then it is “some faithful person” or “some faithful man.”

I hope this lends some understanding. It can also sharpen your argument, for better or worse, depending on one’s perspective. 😊 I tend to think Paul wrote piste, but that is not something I would fight for.

Now, I want to note something.

I want you to take a moment, just a moment and think of history. Think of WWI when 53,000 men died leaving our population out of balance, and the widows of those men who did everything up to selling their own children to survive. Of the 400,000 men who died in WWII who left widows behind with no money, no resources, and no hope - who turned to prostitution, adoption and even murder of their own kids to survive. But go back, even further. All the widows who were put in bad situations, who did terrible things to survive when there were good Christian families who could have taken those women in, given them a home, a loving family - but the false translation pushed them out, all but guaranteeing the outcome specified in 1 Timothy, given over to Satan.... of the preachers who preached about Wonton Women, of the movies showing the vamp who was trying to steal a man, or the HomeWrecker who was named Joline, trying to take Dolly's man. Think of the women who died, who were pushed into work houses. Think of the children in the cotton mills and who's bodies were tossed out like trash because they were cheap to buy and replace. 4_Children_for_Sale.jpg
There are major issues with both translations. MAJOR issues. For one, "Woman," is not in either of them.
The word translated as "Woman," is tis.
Hi @Gideon_70, thank you for your post. Perhaps I can help you here with a couple of observations regarding 1 Tim. 5:16.

The Greek word τις is an indefinite pronoun with no gender. It requires the feminine form of a word to be attached to it to indicate the writer is referring to any woman.

The word woman, used in the English translations, comes from πιστὴ which is a Feminine Singular word in the Greek text; τις πιστὴ literally means any believing (female [person]). The MT uses the construction Εἴ τις πιστὸς ἢ πιστὴ ἔχει χήρας, hence the translation, If any believing man or believing woman has widows, whereas the NU omits πιστὸς ἢ, and as a result is translated, If any believing woman has widows.

The reply from John Dunham indicates he follows the NU text rather than the MT, hence his comment below.
I tend to think Paul wrote piste, but that is not something I would fight for.

I'm old school so would recommend using a good Analytical Lexicon when researching these issues; however, you can download Apps for free for your phone and they make it super easy. Hebrew/Greek Interlinear Bible and Bible Hub Pro are two Apps I use on my phone. Shalom
So I counsel younger widows women to marry, to have children, to manage their homes and to give the enemy no opportunity for slander.
Does 5:14 specifically speak about widows? Because that doesn’t appear to be the word used.

I can understand the argument and perspective that the surrounding verses are speaking of widows, which would ordinarily lead me to believe the context was widows. That could still be the case. However, the overarching context is comparing instructions for older and younger men and women. The chapter is not just simply instructing about widows.

5:11 is specifically speaking about younger widows. νεωτέρας χήρας (young widows)
5:14 He switches to giving a broad statement about young women in general. νεωτέρας (young women)
5:16 he switched back to speaking about (χήρας - cheras) widows.

The entire chapter is jumping around from some group to another. There are several instances the subject is widows and what should be done with them. But the context of the chapter in it’s entirety is not exclusively instructions concerning widows. Some instructions are about older men vs younger men, some instructions are to men in general, some instructions to women in general. So we shouldn't assume instructions that specifically speak to young women are instead speaking to young widows. Especially when the author used language just sentences apart proving he does speak specifically to young widows.
Households led by single mothers were not a thing back in that day.
How would it even have made sense that Paul was addressing women in the context of taking care of widows?
5:14 He switches to giving a broad statement about young women in general. νεωτέρας (young women)
Velly intellesting, but not schlupid.
I appreciate how marriage can offer a woman, most any woman, more than just help and food. I certainly see polygyny as a matter of duty in Israelite culture, and agree that it would be far better than what we call "welfare" today which rather than caring for women and children, actually often just enables irresponsibility in relationships on all sides.
The thing that stands out to me when I look at what YHWH authorized compared to what mankind does....it that His plan CARES, and requires CARE in a local and personal way. Government tax funded impersonal food programs...or housing, is not personal. No one knows where their money went or what it was used for. Very different from assisting someone known to you with her needs.

Another thing. Marriage is wonderful, but the decision to marry is deeply personal. A woman should not be forced by need into a marriage she would not thrive in, and no man should attempt to husband a woman he had no personal interest in. I remember in that film The Substitute Wife how the husband tactfully communicated to his still living wife that he couldn't imagine being a husband to that widow. "A man has responsibilities" ...and he felt unable.

Providing for widows could also be giving them work or a position in a household. Teaching school, helping with the farm or harvest. In that old TV show The Brady Bunch there was Alice, who was pretty much part of the family, but certainly not a wife. Seemed to work in TV land.
It would be nice if more people realized that intimacy in marriage was holy, lawful, and blessed even when not monogamous. That might let more widows remarry....if they wanted to. But a man caring for someone without that expectation of personal gratification....is ironically probably more likely to win the woman's heart. Provision and protection... .speaks love louder than any words.
Linking care for widows to marriage is a dangerous thing in my mind. We are commanded to care for widows and orphans. That is not optional.

The problem with linking it to marriage is that when a widow, who are all 25 and very hot with one or two very young and terminally cute children, rejects your marriage proposal it is easy to then wash your hands and say “Oh well, I tried to help the hot young widow”.

Then when the 55 year old woman comes around needing help with her 4 teenage sons we can say, “Well I don’t want to marry her, oh well. I wonder why I can’t find widows to help?”

We should separate these two issues. Care for widows can’t be tied to whether they are willing to sleep with men, even responsible men.

Now it is true that the passage implies acceptance of polygyny, but it is only tangential and the main issue, care of widows, has to be treated separately from polygyny.
care of widows, has to be treated separately from polygyny.
I’m not sure how you separate it out, either she is over sixty and qualifies as a community project, or she is expected to be in a family.
If she is in the family of her offspring, then it doesn’t matter.

Btw: nothing in the Greek specified a dead husband. Just that she has none.

Intelligent speculation: that there are women bereft of a husband because the women believed in the Messiah.
Turned out of their homes for not being able to renounce their new faith. I believe this is also the root need addressed in the instruction in the following verses;
1 Peter 3:1 (KJV)
Likewise, ye wives, [be] in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;

But as to the rest, I say, not the Lord, If any brother have an unbelieving wife, and she consent to dwell with him, let him not leave her.
13 And a woman who has an unbelieving husband, and he consents to dwell with her, let her not leave her husband.
I would also add that widow below 60 isn't in retirement. They should be able to work.

It's problem if they have children since childcare will reduce available worktime. But still.

Either she is young and still hot and therefore very marriable (polygyny allows even uglies to find husband) or she is older where her children should be able to help.

It's very unlikely woman would be old, have no children and not be able to work.
I would also add that widow below 60 isn't in retirement. They should be able to work.

It's problem if they have children since childcare will reduce available worktime. But still.

Either she is young and still hot and therefore very marriable (polygyny allows even uglies to find husband) or she is older where her children should be able to help.

It's very unlikely woman would be old, have no children and not be able to work.
Where do you see that it is about whether they can work?
I don't see it.

Just thinking. If woman can provide for herself, why she should receive community support?
We were discussing care for women that need it.
I’m not sure how you separate it out, either she is over sixty and qualifies as a community project, or she is expected to be in a family. If she is in the family of her offspring, then it doesn’t matter. Btw: nothing in the Greek specified a dead husband. Just that she has none. Intelligent speculation: that there are women bereft of a husband because the women believed in the Messiah. Turned out of their homes for not being able to renounce their new faith. I believe this is also the root need addressed in the instruction in the following verses; 1 Peter 3:1 (KJV) Likewise, ye wives, [be] in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;
But as to the rest, I say, not the Lord, If any brother have an unbelieving wife, and she consent to dwell with him, let him not leave her.
13 And a woman who has an unbelieving husband, and he consents to dwell with her, let her not leave her husband.
There’s not a specific command to polygyny here and we should be careful about reading one in. Caring for widows and orphans is one of the very few things outlined in Acts 15 as being required to be a member in good standing of the ecclesia.

I don’t think an unattractive man can duck out of that obligation because he can’t attract a widow. We can care for widows without sleeping with them. I certainly don’t think this should be a forward facing argument. We already know we have trolls combing through our forum looking for any possible argument to glom into.

There is a very strong New Testament case to be made for the acceptability of polygyny and an iron clad case in the Old Testament. I don’t see a need to innovate with two such important issues.
Agreed Zec! I would however add that some of those women are in need of a husband. So outright refusal to accept or endorse a man who feels the responsibility to meet that need for a widow could certainly be viewed as failing to live up to that requirement of any believer.

To put it in other words. For someone to stand vehemently in opposition to a married man taking a widow as a wife seems like the result would be that person being lumped with those in Matt 25 whom our Lord says “they did it not unto me”.

Just as if someone holds a staunch viewpoint such that they refuse to entertain the possibility of adopting a fatherless child, or refuse to feed the hungry. Those people seems like to me will be counted amongst the goats and tares.
We were discussing care for women that need it.
In my personal opinion on rare cases we shouldn't spend much time.

Biggest insight here is that marriage isn't only way to help such women.

And how much now widows are problem in our time? Men without reason to live are 1th, 2th and 3th biggest issue now because they will decide societal fate.