• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

new guy

  1. Joshua

    General Hello, ~Joshua

    *my first post* Good to meet you all, last year I was studying my Bible (Old Testament), and thought to myself, why aren’t all of these saints getting punished for having multiple wives? Furthermore, why are polygynists such as Abraham, David, Gideon, etc, labeled as faithful men of God? I...
  2. J

    Hello from Columbus, OH

    Hello, y'all! First, allow me to thank all of the staff members who are part of this ministry for their work. It has already blessed me in so many ways even though I just recently found the site. Writing from east Columbus where I am fortunate to have a wonderful wife of almost 4...
  3. Soldier's Psalm

    Soldier's Psalm from TN

    Hey everybody. I am Soldier or JJ from TN. Been using this website for the past few weeks and finally decided I would join the forums. I kind of ended up here on a whim. I never gave much thought to polygamy until one day out of the blue I thought I would research it in the Bible. I believe...